Neo-Beirut, Closed City

By J.D. Harlock

Identifies with the nations of Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine

creeping silence, fleeting light—attuning the sky to

the dead channel, where

savages scour streets looking to loot

the spoils of Berytus

once men—even friends, brothers…

Now they feast on us, subsisting on

the ichor of the old world before

devouring each other

Fire one shot into the air

Proclaim our presence

That is all that is needed

turning to face you—empty eyes trace up

what was once a shrine in holy land to

see and behold

a Guardian of the Cedar

at that moment, it is known

New Phoenicia has been tainted.

Stay—their heads will decorate the pikes of a rising power

Run—in time, the entire resistance will meet the same fate

All these creatures can do now is

slither away

through a world of darkness...

J.D. Harlock is a Levantine Arab (Lebanese/Syrian/Palestinian) writer and editor from and based in Beirut. In addition to their work at Solarpunk Magazine, as a poetry editor, and at Android Press, as an editor, J.D. Harlock’s writing has been featured in Strange Horizons, New York University's Library of Arabic Literature, and the British Council’s Voices Magazine. You can find them on LinkedIn, Twitter, Threads, & Instagram.